Faith & Patience Package

Paul PayneProduct Offer

Did you know patience is one of the greatest keys to receiving from God? It’s through faith and patience that the promises of God are obtained. Today’s special offer includes Dr. Savelle’s book Life Of … Read More

The Life God Rewards – Package

Paul PayneProduct Offer

What are the qualities that position someone to receive God’s best? Today’s special offer, The Life God Rewards Package, contains Jerry Savelle’s eye-opening book Everyday A Blessing Day, his mini-book, Living Up To God’s Expectations … Read More

Restoration – Package

Paul PayneProduct Offer

Has Satan attacked your marriage, your family, your health, or your finances? Regardless of the pressure you may feel, now is not the time to give up. It’s the time to get fed up, march … Read More

Maximum Level – Package

Paul PayneProduct Offer

Did you know that your harvest is crying out for you? What could you do right now if you received a hundredfold return on every financial seed you’ve ever sown? Today’s special offer, the Maximum … Read More

Extraordinary Favor – Package

Paul PayneProduct Offer

Do you need more of God’s favor today? He will pour out His favor and move His mighty hand on your behalf. Today’s special offer, the Extraordinary Favor Package, contains Dr. Jerry Savelle’s new book, … Read More

Don’t Limit God – Package

Paul PayneProduct Offer

Could you be limiting God? What if you’re preventing God from doing bigger and greater things in your life? Today’s special offer, the Don’t Limit God Package, contains Dr. Jerry Savelle’s best-selling book, Called to … Read More

Increase Package

Product Offer

Are you hungry to see God move in your life? Are you “walking” with those who are experiencing the move of God? Who you associate with has everything to do with your destiny! Today’s eye-opening … Read More

God Will Rescue You – Package

Paul PayneProduct Offer

What should you do when life gets hard? Today’s special offer, the God Will Rescue You Special Package, contains Jerry Savelle’s 3-part audio series, In Hard Times God Will Rescue You, his best-selling book, The … Read More