Jerry Savelle

I recently preached a message of how God does the impossible when you agree with His Word in faith. That’s why I’ve instructed my team to send this teaching resource, as an MP3 instant download, to thank you for your gift this month. Click here now ⟩

Are you ready for God to take you to the maximum and highest level attainable? God desires to do above and beyond in your life…but it wont happen automatically.

Did you know theres a commitment required to experience Gods best? Commitment involves obedience, determination, focus, and discipline. Most Christians dont realize it takes those virtues to excel in a life of faith.

Its the commitments you make with your whole heart that open your life to more and more of God’s blessings. Stay committed. Even if it means enduring some hard times, stay committed.

Let me ask you this question, Do you love God above all else?” Are there things He has blessed you with that you are now unwilling to give to Him?

Everyone who is willing to give all will always receive greater blessings in return. Mark chapter 10 records the conversation between Jesus and the rich young ruler. The rich young ruler was willing to obey the Commandments but was unwilling to give all his possessions and went away sad.  Verses 28-30 say, Then Peter began to say unto [Jesus], lo we have left all and have followed thee…[Jesus answered] there is no man that hath left…But he shall receive…an hundredfold.”

In this story, we see the rich young ruler walking away grieved at what Jesus told him to do because, in his mind, the cost seemed too high. He wasnt willing to surrender his life fully and completely. Jesus reveals to His disciples that those who are willing to make this kind of commitment will eventually receive back far more than they were willing to give.

You could say that the theme of this story is THE GAIN OF GIVING YOUR ALL.

God never asks you to give so that you have less, He always asks you to give so that He can give you more.

Proverbs 11:24 in the Passion Translation says, Generosity brings prosperity, but withholding brings poverty.

Receiving Gods best requires a commitment. It seems that when youre on the threshold of a major breakthrough, thats when the devil tries his best to get you to back off and give up. He knows that if you stay focused, then its not likely that hell be able to stop what God wants to make happen in your life.

I made a commitment to my wife Carolyn nearly 57 years ago, and I have honored it. As a result, we have a great life together and I believe the best is yet to come! Similarly, I also made a commitment to God 54 years ago, and I have honored it as well. Believe me, my life is so much better. God has blessed me a hundredfold.

That doesnt mean following God has always been easy. Staying committed involves enduring hardships at times, but in the long run, youll find that its worth it all. Following the Lord and obeying His Word is the most rewarding commitment that youll ever make.

Experiencing the highest level attainable belongs to committed believers.
Are you one of them?

Committed people pursue God with their whole heart, in the good times as well as in the bad times. Dont let hard times distract you from pursuing God. There is a blessing for those who are committed to seeking God. Psalm 34:10 reveals, “…they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.” THE MESSAGE translation uses the phrase God-Seekers.” I like that. God-Seekers shall have no want!

Obviously, hes saying that this applies to those who seek Him continually and faithfully. Its a lifestyle and not a one-time event. These are the kind of people who will experience the maximum and highest level attainable this year!

I hear the Holy Spirit saying to you today, Im calling for a fresh commitment – a new level of sincerity in your walk with Me this year.”

So many Christians today want Gods best, but they arent willing to do what it requires. Sadly, they lack commitment.

The world that we live in today, with all the chaos and uncertainty, has caused many believers to become somewhat lethargic in their walk with God. Many have a half-hearted” commitment. Obviously, this will not produce the maximum and highest level attainable in their lives.

So, my question to you now is this, Will the prophetic word that the Holy Spirit gave me for 2023 regarding the maximum and highest level attainablehappen to every Christian?” Not necessarily. Many havent made the kind of commitment that Ive written about to you in this letter.

So, ask yourself this question and be completely honest, Do I qualify?”

I want to give you two qualities of a committed God-seeker. As you develop these in your walk with God, you move to a higher level of blessing and Gods goodness.

First, is integrity. In other words, you dont play religious games”. Be sincere in seeking God. Do it out of your love for Him and your gratefulness to Him for being so good to you. Psalm 84:11 The Passion Translation says, Those who walk along His paths with integrity will never lack one thing they need, for He provides it all.”

God is looking at your heart. He is not impressed or moved by insincere worship and service. Joshua once said to the people of God, Now, therefore, fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and in truth…” (Joshua 24:14).

The second quality of a committed God-seeker is passion. Heres some good advice from the Apostle Paul, he says that you should be, Fervent in spirit serving the Lord” (Romans 12:11). THE MESSAGE translation says, Dont burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame.” In our modern-day vernacular, we would say stay on fire”.

When youre on fire” for God, and youre excited about your walk with Him, then youre also willing to do whatever He asks you to do. Youre willing to go wherever He asks you to go. Youre willing to give whatever He asks you to give. Thats passion! These are the kind of Christians who will experience the maximum and the highest level attainable!

Take a good look at your walk with the Lord today – have you drawn back from the original commitment that you made to Him? If so, then its time to stir yourself up” again and get back on track so that you wont miss out on what God desires to do for you this year!

Im in your corner, rooting for you. Im here to inspire you to stay committed to God with a heart of integrity and fervent passion. Im here to help you stay focused and full of expectation for Gods goodness.

In fact, I want you to get my recent message, The Gain of Giving Your All. I know it will inspire your faith and strengthen your resolve. My team will send you this teaching resource when you give this month.

Its time to experience the maximum and highest level attainable!

Im praying for an extraordinary and overflowing abundance of Gods blessings in your life.

To give online, simply click the donate button. Online giving is secure and convenient. It’s also the fastest way to get this month’s teaching resource as an MP3 instant download. You can also give by calling 1-866-576-4872, by texting “GIVE” to 817-835-9625

Your best days are ahead. Im standing in faith with you and hope to hear from you soon.

In Him,

Jerry Savelle
Jerry Savelle

P.S. When it comes to following the Lord, you must do it, “…with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind” (Matthew 22:37). Living a GOD FIRST LIFESTYLE will eventually produce the maximum in your life and cause you to walk into the highest level attainable.
