Partner Letter August 2014

lshookMonthly Partner Letter

Jerry SavelleWhen you give this month, as a thank you, I will send you my recent message, Declare the Glory of God.  I believe it is a message the entire Body of Christ needs to hear right now. Click here to give>

Have you experienced the presence, power, and goodness of God in your life recently…or maybe you never have? I meet thousands of people as I travel from one side of the globe to the other and many of them have the attitude, “You never know what God is going to do.” I have found that when you believe that, He doesn’t do very much!

I want to show you a pattern of how God works. If you get a revelation of this truth, you will discover how to actively participate in God’s plan for your life and you will experience God’s glory as never before!

The truth is that God wants you to know what He is doing and He desires for you to be a participant in making it happen. Isaiah 42:9 says, “See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.”

Our God is the God of new things. He always wants to take His people into higher levels and to show them greater things than they’ve ever experienced before. But before He does this, He endeavors to find someone who is listening so that He can declare His plans and then those who hear them become His mouthpiece.

This is what Isaiah and the other prophets were—His mouthpiece. Amos 3:7 reveals that, “Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.”

That’s His pattern when He’s ready to do something new—He reveals it and then those who heard it are to speak it into the atmosphere. That’s when the Holy Ghost begins to move and eventually causes it to come to pass.

The prophet Isaiah paints a picture of the spiritual condition of God’s people in Isaiah, Chapter 42. He says that they are blind and deaf. God was attempting to declare His plans to them but they were unable or unwilling to listen.

As a result of their spiritual deafness, Isaiah 42:18-23 says they were being plundered and destroyed by their enemies. They were robbed, held captive by their adversary, and were missing out on God’s best for them.

All hope seemed to be lost, but the answer to their deliverance is found in Verse 22 where it says, “But this is a people robbed and plundered; all of them are snared in holes, and they are hidden in prison houses; they are for prey, and no one delivers; for plunder, and no one says, “Restore!

God was ready to do something wonderful for them and He was pleading for someone to please listen and then declare what they heard. God wanted them to speak it into the atmosphere so that He could confirm it with signs following!

This is exactly the same pattern God used to bring Jesus into the earth. For hundreds of years throughout the Old Testament He would reveal to the prophets, a little here and a little there, and they would speak it out.

And when the time was right, what happened? God raised up John the Baptist who was “The voice of one crying in the wilderness, make straight the way of the Lord…” (John 1:23). God was ready to do something new and John heard it and began declaring it!

This is the pattern that God still uses and I am one of God’s VOICES in the earth today. I received this calling back in 1991 when all three of my mentors, Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, and Oral Roberts, saw this in the Spirit and prophesied it over me.

Now I am writing to tell you that I’ve heard the voice of our Heavenly Father and He’s ready to do a new thing once again. We have entered into a time when He is going to reveal His glory—His manifested presence, power, and goodness—like never before!

Since the moment the Lord said that this is a time of GREATER GLORY, I have been declaring it and speaking it into the atmosphere and I’m seeing it come to pass in my life and in the lives of those who have taken hold of this prophetic word.

A few days ago, as I was preparing to preach in Austin, Texas, the Holy Spirit led me to 1 Chronicles 16:24 where He instructs His people to, “Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples.”

To declare is to: 1) Speak authoritatively, 2) State firmly, 3) Announce with conviction, and 4) Make clear. And notice our instruction isn’t to keep it within the four walls of the Church. We are to declare God’s glory to the whole earth! It specifically refers to people who are separated and far from God.

Some might think, “Do you seriously believe that saying it has any bearing on whether or not it comes to pass?” My answer—yes, I do!

It says in Psalm 91:2-3, “I will say…surely he will…” And Jesus declared Himself in Mark 11:23, “…whosoever will say…he shall have…” That’s the Biblical pattern:  I say it and surely He will do it! I say it and I shall have it!

You have a part to play in God’s plans coming to pass in your life! My assignment in this letter is to teach you these principles so that you can begin to declare God’s glory and speak it over your life.

God wants to do a new thing in your life! Begin declaring God’s glory over your family, over your city, over your home, over your health, and over your finances. Declare that God is revealing greater manifestations of His presence, His power, and His goodness in your life, in the Name of Jesus.

Just a few weeks ago the Lord had me teach this message about declaring His glory at a church in Canada and the anointing on that service was so evident. My staff and I want to make this powerful message available to you as a thank you for your partner giving this month.

Your financial support enables us—TOGETHER—to declare God’s glory to millions of people throughout the world. Your love gift causes you to be a part of fulfilling the instruction to God’s people in 1 Chronicles 16:24 to “Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples.”

I’m believing to hear good things from you about God’s presence, power, and goodness manifesting in your life. God is doing a new thing!


In Him,

Jerry Savelle

Jerry Savelle

 P.S. Will you make a spiritual stand today by declaring the glory of God over your life, family, church, and nation? As you speak it out, you are preparing the way for God to move in a new and greater way.

Also, be sure to request this month’s teaching, Declare the Glory of God, using the donate button below.  I believe it is a message the entire Body of Christ needs to hear right now.
