This month as you sow your faith-seed into this ministry, I want to send you the entire message I recently shared called We Don’t Faint, We Don’t Quit, And We Don’t Lose. Click here to give>
Let me share with you what I have found to be true from 48 plus years in my personal walk with the Lord that mirrors what the Apostle Paul shows us in the Word. Winning or losing in the game of life depends on what WE do, not what the devil does!
The Apostle Paul, I’m sure went through more adversity than probably any other Christian in order to get this Gospel to the nations, and he called his adversities light afflictions. He tells us what to do in Galatians 6:9, “…faint not,” in Ephesians 6:13-14 “…Stand therefore,” and in 2 Corinthians 2:14 he tells us that God always causes us to triumph in Christ!” In these verses I hear him telling us that, we don’t faint, we don’t quit, and we don’t lose!!!
Even while he was in prison and facing death Paul made it very clear that he determined his outcome, NOT his adversary. He had no intention of allowing the enemy to have the final word because he knew that he had not finished his course and no devil was going to prevent him from doing so.
Did you know that real Christianity is a fight? We are not weaklings or powerless people! But your knowledge of the Word and what you do with it has everything to do with whether you win or lose!
When the devil attacked me with a stroke last year, I knew I hadn’t finished my course and I was not about to allow him to take me out! In fact, all he did was give me a great testimony and an opportunity for renewed strength and vitality. I’m doing more and going more now at 70 than I did before the attack.
Isaiah 54:17 says, “No weapon formed against thee shall prosper…” It doesn’t say that weapons won’t be formed, but it does say they won’t succeed! Victory over all adversity is one of your covenant rights. In every situation remember, you are the victor not the victim! And you not only have right standing with God, but you are highly favored by Him. When you know this, then not only is fainting (losing heart) and quitting no longer an option, but so is losing!!!
The key to this never lose lifestyle is to become uncompromising and consistent! We’ve all been made righteous through what Jesus did, but not all are what the Amplified calls uncompromisingly or consistently righteous. What does that mean? These are the people who refuse to grow weary, turn back, cave in or quit when the pressure is on.
Psalm 112 is a great example of this kind of person. They are immovable and established in the Word. They are not moved by what they see, feel, or hear during the battle. Like Paul said in Acts 20:24 they say, “…none of these things move me…”
Remember what Paul said to Timothy, “I have kept the faith” or the NLT translation says, “I have remained faithful…” Another word for this is UNCOMPROMISING! He made no provision for turning back or caving in under pressure. He would not compromise!
A good definition of faithfulness is found in 2 Timothy 4:7 when Paul said at the end of his life, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” Wouldn’t you like to have that same testimony?
The Holy Spirit said for me to tell everyone, everywhere I preached this year that “In 2017 – The FAITHFUL shall flourish and it shall be like days of heaven on earth.” Faithful is a key word meaning don’t turn back, or quit. Dare to trust God and don’t be moved!
In The Book of Revelation it says, “… be faithful unto death!” Partners, faithfulness is a true test of loyalty when facing adversity! God always rewards faithful people.
The Bible says the uncompromisingly righteous will flourish; they will be surrounded with goodwill, pleasure, and favor (Psalm 92:12, 5:12). The faithful man will abound with blessings (Proverbs 28:20). Blessings will come on him and overtake him. The literal Hebrew for overtake is surprise. God wants to surprise you with blessings!!!
So I encourage you to stay faithful to God, to His Word, to your church, and to your partnership with this ministry. And remember we don’t faint, we don’t quit, and we don’t lose!
In closing let me remind you that, your knowledge of the Word and what you do with it has everything to do with whether you win or lose! This month as you sow your faith-seed into this ministry, I want to send you the entire message I recently shared called We Don’t Faint, We Don’t Quit, And We Don’t Lose.
When you give, you’re a part of every outreach, every life-changed, and every salvation that occurs through this ministry. Countless lives around the globe are being changed through our many resources.
Thank you, precious partner, for your giving!
I pray that your association with this ministry continues to help you to flourish spirit, soul, body and financially. I’m praying for you and believing for God’s best in your life.
In Him,
Jerry Savelle