Jerry Savelle

As you give this month, you are connecting your faith to the timely message calling for an outpouring of God’s miraculous power. And as my thank you to you, I will send you this month’s teaching resource, Manifestations of the Greatness of Our God and the Revival They Will Bring. Click here to give>

Are you tired of “normal”? Do you want to break-free from “business as usual” and experience the miraculous? 

You’re not alone!

Our entire world is in great need of an outpouring of God’s spirit. People everywhere are hungry for something real. Something deeper. They may not even realize it, but what they need is an undeniable encounter with the presence of God. 

There’s a stirring in my spirit for a fresh revival across the world. A move of God that gets people’s attention and sets them on fire for His cause and purpose. 

I believe we’re moving into a time when God will reveal Himself in greater and greater ways. We can read in times past how people were drawn closer to God as a result of seeing His extraordinary power. In Exodus chapter fourteen, we see the people “…realized the tremendous power that God brought against the Egyptians. The people were in reverent awe of God and trusted in Him…” (Exodus 14:26-31 Message)

God wants to manifest Himself to our world. He desires to make the “unseen” seen! I heard someone once say, “God occasionally shows a flair for the dramatic!” When God does this, it’s no longer business as usual.

Manifestations of God’s greatness are needed more today than ever before. The world that we live in today desperately needs a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit and power. And when people experience this manifestation of the greatness of God, it will cause them to stand in awe and reverent fear of Him.

Peter Wagner once declared, “Reaching the world with the message of Jesus Christ can only be done with an extraordinary outpouring of the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit.” 

Does your family need to see a demonstration of God’s power at work? Does your church need to see an outpouring of God’s manifested presence?

If you study your Bible closely, you find that God got the attention of “outsiders” time and time again through demonstrations of His greatness. And I believe He’s about to do it again!

The psalmist wrote of God’s greatness, encouraging us to, “Say of God, ‘We’ve never seen anything like him!’  When your enemies see you in action… The whole earth falls to its knees—it worships you, sings to you, can’t stop enjoying your name and fame.” (Psalm 66:3 Message) 

We are told in Psalm 145:4 in the Message translation, “Generation after generation stands in awe of your work; each one tells stories of your mighty acts.”

God has always had a way of getting people’s attention! 

And what I’m hearing from the Holy Ghost is, “It’s not over yet, manifestations of the greatness of your God will increase and become more and more frequent as you draw closer to the appearing of the Lord.”

Acts 4:33 reveals, “And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus…” And Acts 5:16 says, “There came a multitude also out of the cities round about…bringing sick folks and them which were vexed with unclean spirits, and they were healed everyone.” 

As a result of these demonstrations of God’s power and greatness, there were multitudes added to the Church daily.

The supernatural power of God, more than anything else, frequently brought about the conviction and the conversion of non-believers. 

In fact, Stephen D. Elliott once noted, “The best explanation for the rapid growth of Christianity in the first three centuries was because of the persuasive influence of the miracles, signs and wonders wrought by God.”

Not only does the world need a move of God but the Church does as well!

Many believers are not experiencing supernatural encounters with God. They’re not seeing genuine evidence that Jesus is indeed alive. Mark 16:20 reports concerning the early church, “And they went forth and preaching everywhere, the Lord working with them, confirming the word with signs following.”

So where are the “signs following” today?

Manifestations of God’s awe-inspiring miraculous ability, is still the answer for drawing the multitudes, and it’s still the answer to stirring believers to become more fervent and devoted in their walk with God.

Don’t be like many in the Church today who have become content. Many believers, even some pastors, are satisfied with Church as usual.

But not me! I want to be right in the middle of a mighty outpouring of God’s power and greatness! How about you?

God promises that if we will arise out of our slumber then His glory will manifest in our lives afresh and anew.

Are you really hungry for it? How desperate are you right now for a fresh move of God in your life? Are you ready for manifestations of His greatness like you’ve never experienced before?

Cry out to God and ask Him to revive you. Make this your prayer, “Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?” (Psalm 85:6)

The key to you experiencing this is your willingness to surrender to God’s power. Psalm 110:3 instructs, “Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power…” The Amplified Bible says, “Offer themselves willingly.”

God is wanting to move in your life, but He’s not going to force it. Will you offer yourself willingly and allow God to do the miraculous in your life? 

I want to encourage you to add action to your faith. If you feel God stirring in your heart, don’t resist that. Be obedient. Step out in faith and follow His leading. As you do, you’ll sense a fresh commitment and fire in your spirit. 

Before I close this letter, I want to give you the opportunity to be a part of this supernatural outpouring. Through your financial support, you can be part of spreading this vital, encouraging message to others around the world. 

As you give this month, you are connecting your faith to the timely message calling for an outpouring of God’s miraculous power. And as my thank you to you, I will send you this month’s teaching resource, Manifestations of the Greatness of Our God and the Revival They Will Bring, as an MP3 or on CD. 

I’m praying for you and believing for revival in your life and your family. I hope to hear from you soon. 

In Him,

Jerry Savelle

Jerry Savelle

P.S. Revival acts to restore spiritual life in God’s people. I’m declaring revival over you! Isaiah 60:1 in the Amplified says, “Arise (to new life), Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord) for your light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.” Let that be your heart’s desire and receive God’s radiant glory today! 
