When you give this month, I want to send you my new message, Faith for Supernatural Increase, as my gift to you on MP3 or CD. To give securely online, Click here now 〉
I am so thankful for you, and I count it an honor to speak God’s truth into your life. In fact, sharing with you what God has shown me is one of the greatest spiritual callings on my life.
Back in 1991, over the course of about eight months, I had all four of my spiritual mentors prophesy over me. This happened at four separate times and locations, yet they all spoke nearly the same word to me. Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, Oral Roberts, and T.L. Osborn all said that by the Spirit of God I was moving into a new anointing.
They each said God was adding a new dimension to my ministry, and I would be a “seer into the spirit realm.” God was going to show me things that were to come, and He would hold me responsible for sharing those revelations with the body of Christ.
Since that time, I have endeavored to seek the Lord every year for what’s on His agenda for the coming year. I’ve found that God doesn’t want you in the dark about His plan! In fact, Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would show us the things to come (John 16:13).
Today, I want to share with you the prophetic word the Lord has given me and how you can activate your faith to receive it.
The Lord spoke to me saying, “Tell the people, in 2020, I will open a new door, and they will experience supernatural increase beyond anything they’ve experienced before.”
Have you experienced increase before? Yes, I know that God’s goodness has been shown to you in the past. Well, get ready…God is doing something NEW, something even greater than before.
How do you activate your faith and position yourself to receive this prophetic word? Let me share with you three principles from Scripture that I have seen work in my own life, time and time again.
First, you need to get a vision for increase! One of the main purposes of a prophetic word from God is to help you get a vision for something He plans to do.
How do you develop a vision for increase? You keep the prophetic word in front of you. The more you focus on the prophetic word, the greater the vision for it will develop in your spirit! You also spend time reading and listening to faith-filled messages.
God spoke through the prophet Isaiah saying, “Everything I prophesied has come true, and now I will prophesy again. I will tell you the future before it happens” (Isaiah 42:9 NLT). Why does God do that? Why doesn’t He just do it and surprise us?
God speaks the prophetic word first so that you trust Him and see it by faith.
The wisdom from Proverbs teaches, “When there is no clear prophetic vision, people quickly wander astray. But when you follow the revelation of the word, heaven’s bliss fills your soul” (Proverbs 29:18 TPT). Other translations say “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”
What are you facing today that you need to see supernatural increase in order to overcome? Let me encourage you, regardless of how impossible it may look, how hopeless it might seem, it only takes ONE DOOR opening for you to step into the victory God has planned for you!
Maybe you’re struggling to figure out how to solve the problems you’re facing. It can be overwhelming because there are so many variables and unknowns. But God told me to declare to you that it only takes ONE DOOR!
Begin to see yourself increasing. Begin to see God moving in your life, your family, your career, or your ministry. What would it look like if supernatural increase showed up?
The second principle to activating your faith is to declare increase is yours. Begin to speak supernatural increase over every area of your life. Link your faith with this prophetic word and begin to thank God for opening a new door in your life!
I don’t go to bed without declaring that 2020 is my year for supernatural increase. When I wake up, I declare that God is opening a new door and I will experience supernatural increase like never before.
Give voice to your faith! Job 22:28 reveals, “You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you…” If you really trust God in your heart, speak it out of your mouth. Psalm 5:11 says, “But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You; Let them ever shout for joy…”
Let what comes out of your mouth be an expression of your faith and trust in God!
And finally, the third way to activate your faith is by giving a financial seed. My wife Carolyn and I have done this with every prophetic word the Lord has given us. Every year we sow a seed for the fulfillment of the prophetic word.
Now, I didn’t write this letter to persuade you to sow into this ministry. I’m telling you what God has revealed to me to show you and what has worked in my life. God instructed me this year to give a “Breakthrough, Supernatural-Increase Seed”. Giving is a point of contact whereby I release my faith for what God has promised.
I want to ask you to pray about giving a “Breakthrough, Supernatural-Increase Seed” as a point of contact to release your faith. Also, ask God where He would have you sow this seed. Maybe He would direct you to give to your church, another ministry that builds your faith, or a missionary in another country. Whatever God tells you, be obedient and be generous.
If you’re led to give into this ministry, know that this is good ground and that your support reaches around the world with a message of faith and hope. Your faithful support means so much to me. We pray for our partners and believe for God’s blessing and favor to increase in their lives.
When you give this month, I want to send you my new message, Faith for Supernatural Increase, as my gift to you on MP3 or CD. To give securely online, click the "Donate" buttom below and get an instant link to download the message. You can also give by calling toll-free 1-866-576-4872 or by texting “GIVE” to 817-835-9625.
Join me in boldly declaring supernatural increase. Speak it out every day. My faith is strong to see you walking in victory, blessing, and increase! I hope to hear from you soon.
In Him,
Jerry Savelle
P.S. Keep this prophetic word before your eyes, meditate on it throughout the day, and thank God for it as if it’s already happened. This ministry is here to strengthen and encourage you. I’m standing with you in faith!