I recently preached this prophetic word for the first time and want you to hear it. That’s why I’ve instructed my team to send this audio teaching, Divine Acceleration and Unstoppable Momentum, as my thank you for your gift this month. Click here now ⟩
I know what it’s like to wait for an answer to prayer. There’s been times I’ve wondered, “How long is it going to take, when will my breakthrough come?”
Over the years, I’ve learned that seeing God’s miraculous power requires patience and a no-quit attitude.
During my time with the Lord this past October, He told me to expect to experience the open hand of God that will bring supernatural, extraordinary, and unusual provision to those who will not be shaken by all the chaos and disorder.
If you’re committed to sticking it out and refuse to be shaken, you will see God’s provision in supernatural ways.
He also said to me that it would be a time of divine acceleration and unstoppable momentum!
The Psalmist proclaimed, “The Lord upholds all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing” (Psalm 145:14-16 NIV).
I’m here to tell you, the time has come. Don’t quit or be shaken before you see it.
Over the past fifty-three years of ministry, I’ve seen many believers give up before “the proper time.” They weren’t willing to stick it out and yet, I’ve stood in faith for as long as twenty years for something to come to pass and God came through!
It’s been said that Divine Acceleration is the supernatural ability of God to bring His plans, His purposes, and His will to pass at a much faster rate than is humanly possible.
When God decides that it’s time for something to come to pass, then nothing can stop Him from making it happen.
There’s a phrase in the Bible to which you need to pay closer attention to. Paul wrote to the believers in Galatia about God’s timing declaring, “But when the fullness of time was come...” (Galatians 4:4). The Amplified translation states, “When the proper time had fully come…”
Obviously, Paul is referring to the time for Jesus to come into the earth and fulfill what His God-given assignment required (Hebrews 2:9 “Jesus…who should taste death for every man”).
When that time had fully come, no man nor devil could stop Jesus’ assignment.
The date had been set by God, and when all the requirements had been fulfilled, Jesus went to the cross, shed His blood and died, and then was raised from the dead. What God had promised would now become reality…redemption, salvation, and victory over sin.
I declare to you today, you’re headed for another “fullness of time,” and what God has planned, Satan won’t be able to stop.
God’s open hand is extended toward you and you’re entering a time of divine acceleration and unstoppable momentum!
The economy can’t stop God’s plan for you. No government can stop your breakthrough. Sickness and disease have no power to block God’s purpose for you. Lack and insufficiency will not alter the assignment that God has for you.
God alone is in charge of the “times and the seasons” (Daniel 2:21). When God says it’s time for something to happen, then you can count on it, it will happen.
And don’t let the chaos and disorder of this world weaken your faith. Paul tells you, “This know also that in the last days perilous times shall come” (2 Timothy 3:1). Don’t be surprised when troubles and hardships surround you.
But at the same time, we don’t have to be shaken by them! Paul went on to tell you how to respond to them, “Don’t let it phase you; stick with what you’ve learned and believed…” (2 Timothy 3:14 MSG).
It’s much like what Jesus told His disciples when they asked Him about the signs of the end. He told them about all the evil things that would be happening. Then He makes this remarkable statement, “…see that ye be not troubled, for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet” (Matthew 24:6).
What’s this mean for you? Jesus is saying it’s possible to live in a world filled with trouble and yet not be troubled by it.
We see this principle also revealed in the Old Testament. The Prophet Isaiah proclaimed, “See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you” (Isaiah 60:2).
God is telling us that when the world is getting darker and darker, the Church will get brighter and brighter.
This year you will see chaos and disorder around you, but God has got you covered! When God is at work, nothing can stop Him. When he says it’s time for divine acceleration and unstoppable momentum, then get ready for it. Look for it, watch for it, and expect it!
This doesn’t mean that you won’t have to use your faith any longer, but it does mean that it’s just not going to take as long for the things that you believing for to happen.
God is going to remove hindrances and obstacles that have prevented you from possessing that for which you’ve been believing. And I declare over you that things are going to begin to happen so rapidly that it will amaze you.
This is where you’re headed, the unstoppable momentum has already begun. You’re being positioned by God right now for divine acceleration! When you’re in the season of divine acceleration, you’ll experience more and more “suddenlies” in your life.
It’s going to happen so fast that it’s going to surprise you. We’ve seen this happen before in Scripture: “And Hezekiah rejoiced and all the people that God had prepared…for the thing was done suddenly” (2 Chronicles 29:36).
Get ready for a supernatural surge and a supernatural moving forward.
Take hold of this right now and refuse to give up, this is not the time for you to turn back. Divine acceleration and unstoppable momentum are headed your way! Expect this, talk about it continually, and praise God in advance for it.
God has revealed so much more about this prophetic word to my spirit, and I want to share more of it with you. I was recently speaking in Florida where I went into further detail revealing what God is doing this year and how you can be part of it. I’ve asked my team to send this powerful, prophetic teaching, Divine Acceleration and Unstoppable Momentum, to everyone who responds and gives this month as my thank you.
Giving and sowing financial seed is one of the ways you can align yourself in agreement with this prophetic word. Scripture says, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21).
Giving in faith is a spiritual issue. Don’t just send money like you’re paying a bill. No, instead, release your faith, trusting God to watch over His word to perform it (Jeremiah 1:12).
When you give to this ministry, we’re linking our faith together to see God fulfill His promises. Me and my staff pray for you each day, expecting breakthroughs, favor, and supernatural provision to manifest in your life.
To give online click the donate button below and you’ll receive an immediate link to download this month’s teaching resource on MP3, Divine Acceleration and Unstoppable Momentum. You can also give by calling 1-866-576-4872, or by texting “GIVE” to 817-835-9625.
I’m so thankful for you. I’m thankful that God has linked us together to encourage and support each other. It’s my joy to build your faith and teach you how to grab hold of God’s word in your life. I know what God has done in my life can also happen in yours. I pray that the same grace on my life comes on you.
I’m standing with you and expecting more “suddenlies” in your life this new year.
In Him,
Jerry Savelle
P.S. God is working behind the scenes for you right now. He’s arranging and, if necessary, re-arranging things so that He can bless you in some way. Stay in faith. Refuse to back down. Your miracle breakthrough is on the way. I’m praying for you and hope to hear from you soon.