As you give this month, I want to thank you by sending you my recent faith-filled message, Keys To Experiencing A Miraculous Breakthrough. It’s your faithful support, joined with others, that enables us to encourage people through our television ministry, reach the lost through Chariots of Light soul winning outreaches, train pastors in Africa, and inspire you to embrace the abundant life Jesus paid for you to enjoy! Click here to give>
Happy New Year! I’m pleased to report that I am full of faith and expectation for 2017, how about you?
Is there an area of your life where you need a breakthrough? Maybe in your finances or health? Maybe in a relationship or your emotions?
Think of the area where you need a breakthrough. Now let me ask you this, do you believe that God wants you to have it? Do you believe that 2017 is your year for a breakthrough and that God could do this for you?
Last year I saw God move in my life and many others’ in such a powerful way that no one could deny it was the greatness of our God at work. And I know that God is not done yet! The best is yet to come!
I’m believing that great things are going to happen for you this very year, if you will dare to believe it!
I’m writing to you today to share the Scriptural Keys to a miraculous breakthrough. Yes, God does desire for you to experience this in your life. And there are principles in the scriptures that instruct you on how to receive it.
In the second chapter of the book of John is the account of Jesus’ first recorded miracle. In this story, we can see how Jesus invites us to participate in the miracle process.
The Keys that I want you to see are found in John 2:5, “Whatsoever he says to you, do it.”
The first Scriptural Key to a miraculous breakthrough is: Listen For What He Wants You To Do.
Many people can tell you about how a miracle happened in their life, but what’s most important is that you not copy what God told them to do, but listen for what He wants you to do!
It’s imperative that you hear your own “Rhema from God.” Rhema means an explicit word from God pertaining to a specific situation.
It’s what Jesus, Himself, listened for before ministering to and healing people. Jesus said in John 5:19, speaking of Himself, “The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he sees the Father do…”
Jesus also said in John 12:49, “For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and what I should speak.”
He depended on hearing the rhema in every situation.
If you truly want to experience a miraculous breakthrough throughout this new year, hearing the rhema from God is vital!
Don’t say, “God doesn’t speak to me like that.” Yes He does, you just have to train yourself to listen.
How do you begin to hear God speaking to you? Start by agreeing with what Jesus said in John 10:27, “My sheep hear my voice…and they follow me.”
If you’re humble and quiet, God will speak to you.
So if the first Scriptural Key to a miraculous breakthrough is Listen For What He Wants You To Do, then the second is: Do It (be willing to obey).
I know that sounds simple. And it’s often easier said then done. I’ve learned, most of the time, the rhema (or we could call it God’s instructions) are unusual, seem unreasonable, and are beyond the norm.
Many of the miraculous stories in the Bible required people doing things that didn’t make sense to them. In 2 Kings 5:1-14, the prophet told the leper, “Go and wash in Jordan seven times.”
This made no sense! Why did it have to be the Jordan river? It wasn’t the closest source of water. Why seven times?
Wouldn’t you agree that those were some unusual instructions?
Even Jesus gave some seemingly unreasonable instruction in Luke 17:14 telling 10 lepers to, “Go show yourselves to the priest.” Under Levitical Law, they could only do that after they were cleansed. Which means they could have been sentenced to death as lepers for going to see the priest.
I have discovered this and seen it in my own life over the past 48 years:
Where do you need a miraculous breakthrough? This is the year for your breakthrough! I link my faith with yours to see God’s favor poured out in your life!
Your confession should be: I’M ONE OF HIS SHEEP, I HEAR HIS VOICE.
Then boldly declare: AND WHAT EVER HE SAYS, I’LL DO IT.
Sometimes your miracle is waiting on your action. Jesus’ brother, James, tells us, “Faith without works is dead.” (James 2:14-26)
If God is telling you to move, move! If He’s telling you to write that book, start writing. If He’s telling you to forgive someone, don’t hesitate, forgive them! If it’s to start a business, step out in ministry, or enroll in college…whatever He says, do it.
Maybe God has put it on your heart to financially support this ministry. I’ve had a number of people tell me that over the years, but they didn’t “do it”. It’s “doers” who get blessed!
It’s your faithful support, joined with others, that enables us to encourage people through our television ministry, reach the lost through Chariots of Light soul winning outreaches, train pastors in Africa, and inspire you to embrace the abundant life Jesus paid for you to enjoy!
As you give this month, I want to thank you by sending you my recent faith-filled message, Keys To Experiencing A Miraculous Breakthrough. Listen for your rhema from God and be quick to obey. Don’t delay. Start this year out with active faith! God has a miraculous breakthrough waiting for you.
Stay in faith, refuse to give up, and just watch what He will do throughout 2017!
In Him,
Jerry Savelle
P.S. Let me remind you with this inspiring truth in Job 5:9, in the Message Translation, “He’s famous for great and unexpected acts, there is no end to His surprises.” God loves showing off in impossible situations. I declare to you, your breakthrough is on the way! Expect the unexpected!