This month’s teaching resource is titled Enforcing Your Right to Be Free. It is time to say “Not one more night in bondage!” I want to send it to you as my thank you for your support. Click here to give>
Are you experiencing the abundant life that Jesus provides? If you are like most of the people I meet as I travel around the world, there may be one or more areas of your life where you need a breakthrough.
Today, I want to reveal to you two of the tactics Satan uses to block the abundant life from fully manifesting for you. Jesus declares that it is His intention for you to have an abundant life in John 10:10 and, in the same verse, He also tells us that Satan is a thief who comes to steal, kill, and destroy.
Sadly, many believers are not walking in the good life Jesus paid for because they don’t know the methods Satan uses to block it. For nearly fifty years now I have had the privilege of teaching people all over the world how to be winners in Christ and how to walk in the abundant life. I’m here to help you do the same!
This calling and mandate on my life has never been more powerful than it is now. The Lord has given me a prophetic word this year for you and I want to challenge you to keep it before you and confess it often:
This is your year for the great breaking loose!
Bondage and oppression are two tactics Satan uses to prevent you from enjoying the abundant life that really belongs to you. I declare to you today, it’s time for you to break loose and begin to experience the freedom that God has planned for you.
Two thousand years ago Jesus’ ministry was to set people free “Whom Satan had bound”(Luke 13:10-16) and to heal “All that were oppressed of the devil.”(Acts 10:38) And that is still His ministry today!
Bondage and oppression are both identified in the Bible as being authored by Satan. That means this is not the way God intended for man to live!
What is bondage? Many people who have fallen for this trap do not even realize they are bound. Bondage refers to limitations, restrictions, and confinements that are placed on people.
Likewise, most people don’t like to think of themselves as being oppressed by Satan. But oppression refers to heaviness or to load down with unreasonable hardships.
Satan uses bondage and oppression to affect a person spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, as well as physically, and financially. It’s all designed by him to keep you from enjoying the kind of life that God wants you to live.
That’s why Jesus came to set you free and make available the abundant life. Life better than you’ve ever imagined. But it’s NOT automatic. You must learn to walk in personal victory over the devil by exercising your God-given authority!
We are told in Luke 10:19 that we have been given authority over “All the power of the enemy.”
There are only two positions that a believer can take regarding bondage and oppression from the devil: 1) Acceptance, 2) Refusal.
You can give Satan the right to continue his attack on your life or you can refuse it!
You may have given him the right out of ignorance of the Word (lack of knowledge) or by misconception (religious tradition), but now you know the truth, and you have every right to no longer accept bondage and oppression.
The choice is yours. Your refusal becomes an aggressive weapon against the devil. It’s what James calls resisting the devil. And what happens when you resist him? James declares, “He will flee from you!”(James 4:7)
It’s time for you to be bold in your God-given authority as a child of God and tell Satan that his days of stealing, killing, and destroying in your life are OVER! Aggressiveness is the only “language” that he understands. When you truly know your rights in Christ and are determined to enforce them, then he has to back off!
You no longer have to put up with limitations or restrictions that try to hold you back.
I love the example of aggressive faith found in Mark 7:24-30. It is the account of a woman whose daughter was tormented with a devil. The woman’s deep need for her daughter to be free, made her bold and persistent. Study this and notice what she said.
In that culture, as a Gentile, she was considered no better than a dog. But she was not leaving Jesus’ presence without receiving the miracle for her daughter. She knew that even the “dogs” were entitled to something!
When Jesus saw how persistent she was, He told her in Matthew’s account of the story, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment. (Matthew 15:28)
Aggressive faith always impresses Jesus!
This woman’s story serves as an example of what faith and persistence will produce. And the good news is that God will respond to your faith and your persistence exactly the same way that Jesus did to hers.
Her faith was stirred that day and I trust that I’m stirring yours so that you are now determined to enforce your right to be free from all bondage!
I am so grateful that God has allowed me to help build your faith so that you can overcome the devil and walk in freedom. I want to see you live what Jesus paid for, the victorious, abundant life.
Not one more night in bondage! In greater detail, this month’s teaching resource shows you how to become aggressive in your faith. It’s titled Enforcing Your Right to Be Free and I want to send it to you as my thank you for your support. As you give this month, declare that Satan’s assignments of bondage and oppression are broken in your life. Activate your faith to resist him and walk in what Jesus paid for.
I decree that this is your year for the great breaking loose!
In Him,
Jerry Savelle
P.S. And refuse to take NO for an answer! We are encouraged in 2 Corinthians 1:20 that, “All the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen.” When God says, “Yes”, it doesn’t matter who or how many others say, “No!” Please know I’m standing with you and linking my faith with yours, in Jesus’ Name! Your miracle is on the way!
P.P.S We also want to remind you of an important Daystar time change. In January, we moved our Daystar broadcast time to Tuesday at 6 pm Central time. This is a real blessing for me to have a time that is more convenient for the many partners that were unable to watch the morning broadcast.