This month, I have a special teaching resource I want to share with you. I recently spoke a message about satan being the Word thief and specifically dealt with how to walk in faith and joy during a time of loss. Beware of the Word Thief is available as an MP3 download or on compact disc. Click here to give>
Did you know that you are in a battle for your life? According to Jesus, in John 10:10, you have a spiritual enemy whose goal is to kill, steal, and destroy your life!
This is not a war against flesh and blood, but rather it is a spiritual war where satan wants to destroy the good life God has for you. Where God wants to give you peace, satan desires stress, conflict, and turmoil. Where God offers health, satan plans sickness and disease. When God calls you blessed, satan schemes to bring debt, lack, and insufficiency.
The Apostle Paul cautioned us in 2 Corinthians 2:11 to not be ignorant of satan’s evil schemes, allowing him to outwit us.
That is why I am writing this letter to you! The Lord has directed me to share with you one of the primary tactics satan uses to bring destruction to believers’ lives.
I also want to encourage you with the truth that our enemy is already defeated! We are not fighting satan to obtain victory, but we resist him and his attacks as we are enforcing the victory that Jesus has already won for us! Jesus conquered death and hell and made a show of satan openly. Now, it’s our responsibility to walk in the victory that Jesus paid for through His shed blood.
Once again, satan will make every attempt to keep you from enjoying this victory in your life! That’s why the Lord instructed me to tell you, “Beware of the Word thief.”
Jesus revealed in Mark 4:15 that as soon as God begins to move in someone’s life, “Satan comes immediately and takes away the word that was sown in their hearts.”
Jesus makes it very clear that satan’s number one objective is to “take away” or to steal the Word out of the hearts of those who hear it. Why? Simply because the Word on the inside of you makes you dangerous to him.
God’s Word on the inside of you is the seed of victory for your life!
When God’s Word takes root in your life, it produces the very victory Jesus paid for.
The author of Hebrews tells us, “For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword,” (Hebrews 4:12). And satan knows that it’s the Word in you that makes you a threat to him.
When Jesus went into the wilderness to fast and pray for 40 days, satan came to tempt Him. Jesus showed satan first-hand that he was and is helpless against the Word operating in a believer’s life. The Word prevented satan from being successful in his attempt to overcome or to overthrow Jesus and it’s the same with you and me today.
I remember back in 1970 when my daughter Terri’s finger tips were cut off. Satan tried to get me to give up believing for her miracle. But it was the Word of God in my heart that enabled me to resist him and today Terri’s fingers are healed and whole!
The point is, don’t ever let satan steal the Word out of your heart. You become helpless to overcome if he is successful in his attempt to do this. Always remember that satan is the Word thief!
Faith and Joy
I have discovered in over 45 years of ministry that if you stay full of the Word, it produces a level of faith and joy that satan can’t defeat. And that’s what my mission is…to teach you the Word of God to build your faith and joy. When that happens in your life, quitting is not an option and winning is the only acceptable outcome!
Romans 10:17 says, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”
If satan can steal the Word, then this will cause your faith to weaken and become inoperative. And weak and inoperative faith is not the kind of faith that you want in your life. When you fill your life with the Word of God, you become strong in faith and you refuse to stagger at the promises of God (Romans 4:19-20).
When you are strong in faith, negative circumstances can’t alter what you believe! And trust me, my friend, it’s a serious threat to the devil when everything he does can’t stop you from continuing to trust God’s Word.
Most people understand the importance of faith, but why is joy so important? Without joy you have no strength to resist the attacks of the enemy. Scripture tells us, “The joy of the Lord is your strength,” (Nehemiah 8:10)!
The Word not only produces FAITH but it also produces the JOY OF THE LORD. Jesus told the disciples, “These things have I spoken unto you that my joy might remain in you…” (John 15:11).
Jesus knew that in order to overcome the enemy’s attacks, His disciples must have joy. The same is true for you and me today! Proverbs 24:10 reveals, “If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength (joy) is small.”
If satan can steal the Word, your faith becomes weak and your joy becomes small or almost nonexistent. If you allow him to do that, you will never be the winner God created you to be.
That is why I write books, teach so many messages and am writing you this letter. Consider me your personal faith and joy trainer! I will always encourage you to press forward, keep trusting, and know that God is about to breakthrough in your life!
You may be going through a hard time now…BUT…our God is greater and JOY comes in the morning! It is time for God’s presence and power to manifest on your behalf! Keep your faith strong, keep your joy full and there is nothing satan can do to stop you!
In closing, if this ministry has impacted your life, then ask the Lord if you should share financially in support of the vision God has called us to fulfill. And when you sow your seed in faith, determine that you will believe for the abundant harvest that God’s Word promises you.
And when you give this month, I have a special teaching resource I want to share with you. I recently spoke a message about satan being the Word thief and specifically dealt with how to walk in faith and joy during a time of loss.
Have you ever wondered, “How can I keep my faith and joy strong when my prayers don’t seem to get answered?” Then you need to get this month’s resource.
With your financial gift this month, you can choose to download this month’s message, Beware of the Word Thief, as an MP3 or you can choose to receive this teaching through the mail on compact disc.
Thank you for believing in this ministry and giving me the privilege of speaking into your life. Always remember, the joy of the Lord is your strength and your faith can overcome the world!
In Him,
Jerry Savelle
P.S. One of the greatest ways to build your faith is with our many resources like our audio messages, television broadcasts and devotionals. We’ve just made it easier to get to those and other ministry resources such as our magazine, my current itinerary and our social media connections on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You can download our new Jerry Savelle Ministries mobile device app – available on all popular brands of smart-phones and tablets – by searching on Apple App Store, the Google Play Store or the Microsoft Windows Phone Store, or you can simply click the links for your device in the lower right corner of this web page.