When you give this month, as a thank you, I will send you my recent message, Expect the Unexpected. I believe this faith-filled message will start building your expectancy today. Click here to give>
Carolyn and I know what it’s like to have nothing and trust God for all of our needs.
When we were just starting out in ministry, I was invited to speak at a youth meeting in Oklahoma City, about 5 hours away. Our car had over 100,000 miles on it, the transmission would slip, and the tires were worn-out.
As we were driving to the meeting and trusting God to get there, a Firestone truck passed us and two tires fell off and rolled to the side of the road. I stopped and picked them up to return them to Firestone in the next town. When we got there, Firestone had no record of any missing tires and said as far as they were concerned they were mine. I looked at the tires and they were the size we needed for our car!
Carolyn and I would have never dreamed that God would come through for us and meet our need in that way. I’ve said it many times that, “I’m never surprised that God will meet my needs, but I am always surprised at how He does it.”
A few days ago, while Carolyn and I were on vacation, I was having my devotion time with the Holy Spirit and He said to me:
“Tell My People that it’s time for their greatest victories and to begin expecting the unexpected!”
This says to me that your greatest victories are coming when you dare to expect the unexpected.
In Matthew 14, the disciples were in the boat heading to the other side of the lake. At about four o’clock in the morning, Jesus came to them walking on the water and one disciple was bold enough to expect the unexpected. Peter said, “If it’s you, Lord, let me come to you on the water.”
Now Peter and a few of the other disciples were fishermen and I’m sure none of them ever dreamed of walking on the water before. But Peter mixed his faith with Jesus’ word, “Come.”
After Peter was out on the water, he took his eyes off of Jesus and became distracted by the storm and began to sink. Prior to becoming distracted, Peter was successful—he walked on the water!
Don’t miss this—if you are going to experience your greatest victories, you are going to have to keep your faith strong and continue to expect the unexpected!
Do you remember what God said through the Prophet Isaiah? He said, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9).
Ways refers to how something is done, how a result is obtained or how an end is achieved. This means God is going to do things differently than you would ever dream or imagine.
In Matthew 17, Jesus and the disciples needed money to pay taxes and when Peter asked Jesus what they should do, Jesus told him to go fishing. If you’re familiar with the story, you know that the first fish that Peter caught had money in its mouth to pay both of their taxes. Nobody would have ever thought that was how their need would be met.
God’s ways are higher than ours! They are far more advanced and superior than anything we would think of. Expecting the unexpected means NOT putting God in a box and limiting Him to work the way you would want.
The Apostle Paul talked about God’s ways of ministering to people and referred to them as, “Diversities of operations” (1 Corinthians 12:6). The point is this: don’t limit God, let Him do it any way He wants to!
The beautiful part is that you don’t really have to understand how He can do this—your part is to just believe that He can and will. After all, didn’t Jesus say that “All things are possible to them that believe” (Mark 9:23)? Start expecting the unexpected!
I love how The Message paraphrases Job 5:9. It says, “He is famous for great and unexpected acts; there’s no end to His surprises.”
I want to encourage you to get up every day expecting the unexpected and expecting surprises from God.
God wants you to experience your greatest victories. Not twenty years from now—but NOW!
I discovered a long, long time ago when you truly have a revelation of God’s favor on your life, then you begin to expect surprises from Him. Do you want to experience your greatest victories? If you do, then your part is to get a revelation of the fact that God is famous for doing the unexpected and then expect Him to do it.
I’ve also discovered that surprising others by being a blessing to them is one of the best ways to set yourself up for more surprises from God. Proverbs 11:25 (NLT) says, “The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.”
The Savelle Translation is, “Surprise others and you too will experience surprises.” It’s the law of seedtime and harvest.
Not only that, but it’s just fun surprising others. In fact, it’s one of the greatest joys of my life and as a result, God just keeps on surprising me!
As I close this letter, let me just say how grateful I am that God has linked us together. I am so honored that you allow me to speak God’s truth into your life. I pray that it is encouraging and life-giving.
Don’t miss an opportunity to get your best seed into GOOD GROUND. Through your financial support right now, you can help spread the message of hope and grace around the world.
Because of your support, multitudes of people around the world hear the uncompromised Word of God for the first time, pastors in Africa are being taught faith and seeing God move in their churches, and so far this year we have seen more than 14,000 salvations through our Chariots of Light outreaches.
When you give this month, you are helping to refresh others and setting yourself up to receive refreshing from God.
As you give this month, I want to send you my recent message, Expect The Unexpected. When you respond, please include a prayer request or a testimony about what you are expecting God to do in your life. It is always a great joy to me and my staff when we hear from you. It would be our honor to stand in faith with you!
In Him,
Jerry Savelle
P.S. Don’t limit God or put Him in a box by only expecting Him to bring a breakthrough the way you think He should. Ephesians 3:20 says “God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.” Activate your faith today and expect God to
surprise you by doing the unexpected!